Welcome to ChatBot! To start the adventure with our chatbot factory, you need to set up an account. Let’s walk through that process together.
Create a new account
To start, go to the www.chatbot.com website. In the top right corner, you’ll find the Sign up free button. Click it.
You are now on the sign-up page. Provide all the necessary information and click on the “Sign up” button when you are done.
Last but not least, check your email and provide the confirmation code that we sent you. If you have lost your password or just forgotten it, select the Forgot Password option to set up a new one.
Follow free lessons in our Academy to get an extra seven days of the trial.
Your account has been created, and you’re all set to start building your chatbots. To return to the application go to app.chatbot.com or click on the login button as instructed in the first point of this tutorial.